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$250M Lawsuit Filed for Use of Underwater Land Cables in Pompano Beach

Best Miami Litigation Attorney

Hillsboro Inlet is a small waterway that sits on the East edge of Pompano Beach, right on the shore of the Atlantic ocean. It’s a popular place for boaters who live nearby to dock and provides easy access to both the Southern Atlantic coastline and downtown Pompano Beach. 

The Plaintiff’s Claim 

Recently, a company by the name of South Spanish Trail LLC and owned by a man called William Swaim, alleged that it owns portions of the Hillsboro Inlet. This includes many parts of the already-established personal properties of residents, as well as some of the land underwater. South Spanish Trail LLC’s claim seeks to establish land use rights. 

The Lawsuit 

The $250M lawsuit filed by Swaim’s property development company names multiple defendants, including large companies who have cables buried deep underwater in the Hillsboro Inlet. 

Marty Kiar, the property appraiser for Broward County, has filed a motion of clarification to compel a judge to review the seriousness of the claim and the legal ramifications should the plaintiff win their case. If Swaim’s company does succeed, residents will no longer have ownership over property in their own backyards. 

In one case, a resident’s pool would no longer be their own property, and Swaim’s company could charge for the use of the land. This is exactly the situation another resident is in with his dock after receiving legal notification that he would need to pay $150,000 annually to use the dock on property he’s owned for 38 years. 

What You Should Know About Land Use Lawsuits 

Land use lawsuits can be used to resolve a multitude of real estate litigation issues, such as when two parties have juxtaposing views of who owns a particular piece of property or who have a disagreement about how land is being used. 

Land use laws in Florida are often complex and difficult to understand, making it critical to have a knowledgable lawyer in your corner if you find yourself in a land use or property ownership disagreement. 

When to Contact an Experienced Florida Real Estate Litigation Attorney 

If you’re involved in a complicated real estate or land use dispute, it’s important that you have a seasoned litigation lawyer on your side who can zealously advocate for your best interests and a positive outcome. 

Call Feinstein Real Estate Litigation & Business Law for your initial consultation today at  954-767-9662 (Fort Lauderdale), 561-981-6212 (Boca Raton), or 305-728-5267 (Miami).

By : admin | March 28, 2021 | Lawsuits

What Should I Do If My Business Partner Broke Our NDA?

Fort Lauderdale Real Estate Litigation Attorney

You may have heard of an NDA in the course of doing business, especially if you’re a business owner or high-level manager. Here’s what you should know about NDAs, how they can help protect your company’s important information, and what to do if someone within your company breaks or violates the NDA. 

First, What Is an NDA? 

An NDA, or non-disclosure agreement, is a legal document signed by two or more parties that binds each party to an obligation of privacy and compels the undersigned to keep important, secret information secure. 

What Are NDAs Used For? 

Non-disclosure agreements are relatively common for businesses, particua for partnerships and joint ventures. An NDA can protect proprietary information, like secret restaurant formulas, new product blueprints, or marketing strategies. 

This means that the parties who agree to the NDA commit to not sharing this critical information with others, especially competitors who could use the data to appropriate products, services, or unique features that the business offers. 

How Do NDAs Get Broken? 

Unfortunately, NDAs can and do get broken. Sometimes this may be an accidental mistake, where a party lets something slip in conversation that they shouldn’t have. 

That said, NDAs can also be broken purposely in an effort to damage the business and its owner. This sometimes occurs when an employee has been terminated and are looking to “get back at” the company that let them go. 

What to Do If Your Business Partner Violates Your NDA 

If you suspect that your business partner or someone else at your company has violated an NDA they signed, the first thing you should do is review the contract itself. Often, non-disclosure agreements include protocol and remedies for violations in the document itself. 

Then, collect what evidence you can to trace how the information was released and who may have leaked it. Being able to prove your case beyond a shadow of a doubt can help you from being put on the hook for court costs and legal fees. 

Get Help From an Experienced South Florida Business Litigation Attorney Today 

A business partner or someone else you work with who has violated a non-disclosure agreement can be a significant hazard to your company and livelihood. Don’t wait to get experienced legal help with complex business litigation issues from an attorney you can trust. 

Contact the reputable and dedicated attorneys at Michael L. Feinstein, P.A,for a consultation by calling 973.635.4500. 

By : admin | March 6, 2021 | Business Litigation