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GM Facing Class Action Litigation Over Premature Engine Wear

Boca Dispute With Business Partners

Having any type of legal claim come against a business can be difficult for owners to handle. When the situation involves class action litigation, companies could be at risk of owing substantial amounts of money to consumers if the court rules against the business. Unfortunately, business owners in Florida and across the country could face this ordeal.

It was recently reported that a class action lawsuit was filed in a federal court sitting in another state against General Motors in relation to the automobile manufacturer’s Chevrolet Camaro, including models from 2010 to present. Apparently, the suit alleges that the company did not inform buyers about an issue involving heat shields and the starter motor. Reports indicate that buyers believe that the ineffective heat shields allow more heat to reach the starter motor, which, in turn, causes the electrical conductors to need more power to start the engine.

Consumers claim that this additional power can result in the engine facing premature wear. The suit also alleges that this issue can affect the battery as well as the wiring in the vehicle. There was no comment provided in the report from General Motors regarding the lawsuit.

When preparing to face legal claims, many business owners may want to approach class action litigation differently than other types of cases. As a result, it may be necessary for Florida company owners to fully understand their legal options for dealing with this type of problem. Their legal counsel will undoubtedly be able to provide applicable insight into a company’s specific case and how to effectively move forward.

By : admin | September 7, 2020 | Class Action Litigation